Miwiki家族だいたいネットに潜む女性の相場は決まっている。家がお金もちで頭のできが悪い系か、生きる力の弱いメンヘラ系、あとは余暇を持て余す普通の主婦(普通じゃないのもいる)。花はネットに染まっていなかったので、陽キャで話していて楽しい日々だった。Oct 16, 2022Oct 16, 2022
MiwikiPMP( Project Management Professional) 試験*This article is for Japanese people.Nov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020
MiwikiinJapanese Internet SlangJapanese Slang ”Tapiru"Meaning : drinking Tapioka juice.Aug 29, 2020Aug 29, 2020
MiwikiinJapanese Internet SlangJapanese Slang “xx shika katan”<Pronounce> Look at this picture. You can read this “shika katan”. These days, this word is frequently used.Aug 26, 2020Aug 26, 2020
MiwikiinJapanese Internet SlangJapanese Slung “397”Japanese school boys and girls love to use “TikTok”, which is made by Chinese Company and this controversial for “Clean Network” by Trump.Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
MiwikiinJapanese Internet SlangJapanese Slang “Florida”As you know Florida is one of the beautiful and hot city in the world.Aug 8, 2020Aug 8, 2020